
$MECH Token distribution

  • Total Supply: 2 billion MECH

  • Initial Liquidity: 5% of the total supply, equating to 100 million MECH, is allocated for initial liquidity to facilitate trading and transactions

  • Reward Points: 2.5% of the total supply, 50 million MECH, is set aside for point rewards to incentivize participation and engagement

  • Team Allocation: 5% of the total supply, amounting to 100 million MECH. These tokens are locked for two years, with subsequent annual unlocking of 20% starting after the initial lock-up period

  • Market Operations: 2.5% of the total supply, which is 50 million MECH, is dedicated to marketing and operational purposes to support the growth and expansion of the platform

  • Lending and Staking Emission: The remaining 85% of the total supply, or 1.7 billion MECH, will be distributed as incentives for participating in Merchant lending and borrowing

Last updated