Liquidity Staking

On the Merchant Finance platform, users can act as liquidity providers by staking assets such as BTC and USDC, thereby participating in the Merchant decentralized ecosystem and earning rewards. Initially, users stake their BTC, USDC, and other assets on the Merchant Finance platform. Once these assets are staked, users can choose to add them to specific liquidity pools as collateral. Merchant Finance offers a variety of liquidity pool options, and users can select the pool that best fits their risk preference and expected returns. Each pool has different rates of return and risk levels. Users can monitor the performance and returns of their staked assets through the Merchant Finance platform's dashboard. If necessary, users can also add more assets to the pool or withdraw some or all of their assets from the pool at any time. As liquidity providers, users not only earn transaction fee revenues but may also receive $MECH token incentives issued by Merchant platform.

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